Golgi-Cox impregnation1, 2 has been one of the most effective techniques for studying the normal and abnormal morphology of neurons and glia.
Using the Golgi technique, subtle morphological alterations have been discovered in neuronal dendrites and dendritic spines in the brain of animals treated with drugs, as well as in the post-mortem brain of patients with neurological diseases.3, 4 However, the lack of reliability and the slow process of Golgi staining have been major obstacles to the widespread application of this technique.
The FD Rapid GolgiStain kit is designed according to the principle of the methods described by Ramón-Moliner2, Glaser and Van der Loos5.
Not only has this kit drastically improved and simplified the Golgi-Cox technique, it has also proven to be extremely reliable and sensitive in demonstrating the morphological details of neurons and glia, especially dendritic spines.
The FD Rapid GolgiStain Kit has been extensively tested and used extensively in the brains of various species of animals, as well as in post mortem human brain specimens.
Kit contents:
- Store at room temperature
- Solution A 250 ml
- Solution B 250 ml
- Solution C 250 ml x 2
- Solution D 250 ml
- Solution E 250 ml
- Glass Sample Retriever 2
- Brush for natural hair 2
- Drop bottle 1
- User Manual 1
Materials required but not included:
- Bidistilled or deionized water.
- Plastic or glass tubes or vials.
- Histological equipment and supplies, including gelatin-coated microscope slides, coverslips, staining bottles, ethanol, xylene or xylene substitutes, resinous mounting medium (eg, Permount®), and a light microscope.